Visit to Selby 2019

Tuesday, the 3 rd of September:
the On Tuesday a small group of 25 people of Filderstadt together with Mayor Andreas Koch had set out on the way to our twin town Selby in Yorkshire. In the late afternoon we arrived in Selby. To meet again was a big  joy on both sides – the guests and the hosts and also those, who were  for the first time in Selby, were welcomed very warmly by their hosts.

Wednesday, the 4 th of September:
The next day we visited the old country house Lothorton Hall, which served as a military hospital during the First World War and today it is a museum in a charming landscape. After the welcome speech by Mayor Koch, we were guided through the house in two tours. At lunchtime we planted a rose in honor of Margarete Lutz next to the town hall of Selby (the founding member of the German-British-Society died earlier this year, the donations on the occasion of their memorial service were destined for the German-British Association in Selby). The afternoon was at leisure - many used it to visit the city and its famous Abbey.

Thursday, the 5 th of September:
Thursday we spent in York near Selby. In a two-hour guided tour of the Old Town and around the Minster and on the city wall, we learned a lot about York. In the free time at noon we could stroll in the cozy streets or enjoy a cream tea in one of the many cafes. In the afternoon we climbed the 55 steep steps up to Clifford Tower. Once even kings lived there (at least for a time). We were rewarded with a great view of York and the surrounding area and had a very spontaneous little wine and gin tasting.

Friday, the 6 th of September:
Approximately two hours from Selby is Beamish. In the living museum we drove with buses and trams from the beginning of the 20th century. We saw how people lived on the farms in the 1940s, how was the situation in the villages where coal was mined. We experienced the flair of a small town around 1900 (the dentist was available for questions, luckily he did not try his tools on us .....). Too fast, the day went by. For dinner we have visited a restaurant  with delicious traditional fish and chips.

Saturday, the 7 th of September:
Saturday was at leisure with our hosts. Our group visited a food market in the nearby town of Selby Malton. Here you could taste great English specialties.
The evening was the "official evening" at the Community Center in Selby. All were dressed in British or German national colours (some even managed to wear the national colours of both countries). After a welcome cocktail, Selby's mayor Malik Mohd Rofidi welcomed us officially to Selby. The chairman of the German-British-Society of Selby, Andrea Faller and the Chairman of the German-British-Society Filderstadt, Robert Hertler emphasized in their speeches that the friendship between Selby and Filderstadt  plays an important role -  so even in the times of Brexit and there is a desire on both sides to maintain it in the future.
Before we finally were allowed to eat, we had to do some sports: Under expert guidance, we swung the dance leg. After we had strengthened ourselves at the rich buffet and Selby Mayor Malik had spoken personally with each guest, we continued with the dancing. We certainly would not have won a prize for our dance, so we all had a great time. We all enjoyed the last evening in Selby very much.

Sunday, the 8 th of September:
On Sunday morning we had again the opportunity to spend time with our hosts before we went by bus to Manchester. From Manchester we went with Swiss and a beautiful sunset over Zurich back to Filderstadt. Some also have extended their visit and traveled even on.

Many thanks to all who prepared this trip, thank you to our lovely hosts  for the wonderful time we spent in Selby and the surrounding area.
We are looking forward to the visit from Selby in September 2020.

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