Living pictures - Donate handover

Visit from Selby on the occasion of the lively pictures in Plattenhardt for the 750th anniversary:

Also from Selby four visitors came to this event. Helen and Malcolm even participated as actors.
It was a complete success. Andrea Faller gave a speech at the reception for the guests from France and Selby on Saturday evening for the English twin town.
On this evening, the check was also presented by Frank Lutz - the son of Margarete Lutz. On the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. Lutz donations of € 660 ..- came together. Mr. Lutz was so kind and rounded  the amount  up to € 1,000. This amount goes to our partnership committee of the Twinning Group in Selby.
Andrea Faller sincerely thanked for the donation and said that as a reminder a tree would be planted in Selby for Margarete Lutz.
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