Annual Meeting 2023 + 2024

Members' meeting April 16, 2024:

The meeting took place on April 16, 2024 in the Mörikesaal Plattenhardt. After the approval of the agenda, the report from the chairwoman Hedy Barth-Rössler followed: visit to Selby, events, etc.

This was followed by the report from the auditor Kerstin Pichler.

All board members were discharged.

The following were re-elected for two years:

Hedy Barth-Rössler (1st chairwoman)

Annette Volkmann (media representative)

Horst Frey and Gisela Volkmann (assessors)

Petra Wallner (auditor)

Ms. Eva-Maria Klein was newly elected as assessor.

After that, there was a small snack and champagne for the members. The DBG celebrated its 25th anniversary.

General meeting on May 4th, 2023:

This year's general meeting took place on May 4th, 2023 in the Mörikesaal in Plattenhardt.


The following were re-elected:

2nd Chairwoman: Ingrid Albicker

Cashier: Kerstin Pichler

Secretary: Daniel Reimling

Assessors: Werner Albicker, Horst Frey

We would like to thank all elected colleagues on the board for their commitment.


Review of the online meetings with our friends in Selby 2022

Review of the visit of our English friends in August 2022 and the program

Review of the English breakfast and the lecture evening at the VHS

Christmas party in December 2022 Outlook for a visit to Selby on the twentieth anniversary of the town twinning in 2023

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